About Transfo Electricals
We introduce our selves as Transfo electricals as one of the reputed Transformer field service specialists and Electrical contractors holding valid "SUPER GRADE" License issued by CEIG (Chief electrical inspectorate to the Govt.) of Karnataka. And we are in this job since 2008
We have well experienced Team who worked in reputed manufacturing company like Voltamp Transformers Ltd., Emco Transformers Ltd, NGEF, EMR in all sections like manufacturing process/testing/repair and attending field problems, Erection testing and commissioning.
And we as Transfo electricals did many challenging jobs like
1) IR value improvement : of many Transformers at site some of the references as below
- 18 MVA X 4 no's at Shamburi dam power house - where manufacturers said it is not possible to do at site, but we did it at site and running since 5 years
- 5MVA 66 KV Transformer at TK hally –It was tendered to send the factory for repair, but we did it at site and is running since 2 years
- and many like
2) Transformer oil filtration : did more than thousands of Transformers
From 50 KVA to 315 MVA Transformers to all type of clients like Small apartments, Buildings, Factories, sugar plants, steel plants, KPTCl, BWSSB,TBDam/hampi power houses, KPCL. Etc
3) ETC (Erection, testing, commissioning ) jobs for EMCO Transformers, 20MVA and Siemens ltd 80MVA and many
4) Overhauling of Transformers and OLTC jobs for Emco 50 MVA, KPTCL and KPCL many Jobs